population plainly that the town would be abandoned.

in the town and where her darling Bory, who had only just entered a

Napoleon's generals--Davout, Ney, and Murat, who were near that region

overwhelmed with grief, left to the mercy of coarse, rioting peasants!

kneeling beside it stirring its contents with a ramrod.

shade of the nearest house, on a bench which one Cossack had run to

"Uncle, forgive me, I did that... unintentionally," he said, pointing to

galloped up to him.

fresh and attractive. The music became more and more audible. The melody

Schonbrunn, 25th Brumaire, 1805,

The fencer who demanded a contest according to the rules of fencing was

red borzoi. Natasha saw and felt the agitation the two elderly men and

A largish piece of the biscuit the Emperor was holding in his hand broke


your excellency, for God's sake!" he kept saying, glancing for support

thought she, recalling all the signs that clearly indicated that Natasha

album. Boris sketched two trees in the album and wrote: "Rustic trees,

"I helped you, but all the same I must tell you the truth; it is a

who wished to distinguish themselves, to astonish somebody, and for some

"In a moment. A propos," she added, becoming calm again, "I am expecting

"And so he is! Quite blind!"

in the same tone.

It was already six in the morning and he still paced up and down the

more things might have been taken out, but Natasha insisted on having

of the young Countess Rostova the old prince (who apart from that was

of command, and from the battery one saw how those ranks of infantry

is the name of the ruler of all. The third name is the name unutterable

"Ah, yes! That's a whole long story! How are you going to speak to her--

strongest of all influences: the intrigues, flattery, and self-deception

Russian bath. The movement of these wrinkles formed the principal play

"Lieutenant, he has a dagger," were the first words Pierre understood.

"Hard as this year which delays my happiness will be," continued Prince

But before he had finished speaking, Prince Andrew, feeling tears of

was with this that Daniel's voice was heard calling ulyulyu. The sounds

all His mercy to one who is blind, or who shuts his eyes that he may not

horse fell in among the hussars. Nearly all the French dragoons were

The Russian Emperor's aide-de-camp is an impostor. Officers are nothing

"They may die tomorrow; why are they thinking of anything but death?"

"There is one thing I wanted to tell you, Princess," said Rostov. "It is

of the young Countess Rostova the old prince (who apart from that was

Kolocha, presents itself as obvious for an army whose object was to

new officers arrived, new men and horses, and above all everybody was

added, addressing Natasha.

one night prepared for a journey and started for Moscow to see Joseph

"Not that either. That puts the court in too bad a light," replied

Though he expected that the story of his escapade would be already known

with the self-destruction toward which--ever dissecting and dissecting

Both the countess and Sonya understood that, naturally, neither Moscow

voice calling him by name.

soldiers stopped him.

"But if the bridge is crossed it means that the army too is lost? It

Sonya sat down and Natasha pinned the ribbon on differently.

"Yes, I know you have made peace with the Turks without obtaining

pilgrims, Princess Mary prepared a pilgrim's complete costume for


"On account of your spells of ill health, will your excellency please be

heart in the presence of the unfathomable did not lessen but increased.

but send a courier to Petersburg with news of a victory, and General

as Peronskaya had called him, and knew he was looking for them, and for

"What could he wish or look for that he would not have obtained through

Helene understood that the question was very simple and easy from the

The men became silent. The soldier who had been struck groaned and wiped

In the damp chill air and crowded closeness of the swaying carriage, she

an enormous mouth, hardly refraining from laughing, "I felt like dying

ordered the people to catch all spies and bring them to him, and now

stopped in the doorway. The evening sky that had been so clear was

of the army and of the men and parties engaged in it, and he deduced for

Her brother Petya was upstairs too; with the man in attendance on him he

had said, but from his look it was clear that he had uttered a tender

"I say, Fedeshon!... Did he say when the battles are to begin? You were

duty to fulfill that person's wishes. Do you wish to enter the

entered whom Anna Pavlovna had been waiting for and wished to convert,

into the forest. Then I see he's no good and think I'll go and fetch a

wait before we rejoice."

agitated and serious face. As soon as he saw Natasha his face

During this halt the escort treated the prisoners even worse than they

She had not yet gone to bed when the Rostovs arrived and the pulley of

"Humbug! Nonsense! Humbug, humbug, humbug!" cried Prince Bolkonski,

princess' carriages. Meanwhile he went himself to the police

the causes of phenomena--the old method of history is moving.

successfully, evoking memories of the best times of her youth and

clearly, impressively, and majestically. But can it be true that I am in

by the disorganized crowds of the French when it was numerically

years the whole course of life is altered and presents an intensive

lifted all the more sweetly, and was especially charming when she

crackling of wood fires near and afar, merged into one tremulous rumble.

"You see, Aunt, Mamma has long wanted me to marry an heiress, but the

went about among the mummers without removing her spectacles, peering

the room, to the corner darkened by the icons that hung there.

it should be.

I was praying. Don't you pray?"

move to another place, because of the crowd. One of the generals who

"And do you know, Countess," he said, suddenly addressing her as an old,

things. Dolokhov was counting the money and noting something down.

but managed meanwhile to look round repeatedly at his neighbor, the

voila done enfin, cette fameuse ville! Il etait temps," * said he, and

"Borodino," the other corrected him.

Frenchmen. Their laughter and their mutually incomprehensible remarks in

The Emperor is gracious, and I shan't forget you if you deserve well."

melody that unexpectedly came to his mind seemed to him particularly

having lunch when one can get it.

keeping the bank. Rostov had not seen him since his proposal and Sonya's

"A diary, Nicholas," she replied, handing him a blue exercise book

reasoning. With an affectation of respect which evidently struck

water that had trickled to their bodies and not admit the fresh cold

painfully in the knot. Then he drew his face down, kissed him, and

ought to be, and the more amazed at my genius."

have been proud to let him see us. There now--you talk of my absence,

with a crowd of vagrants, and with Peter the Hermit, remains

new and unshakable foundations.

always hide it?" said the voice of the man who was stretching himself,

some concessions. Continuing to represent the liberation of the serfs as

"I love you awfully!" Natasha suddenly said. "Awfully, awfully!"

"What shall we sing?" she said.

step into the officers' wards you'll see for yourself," he added,

killed, but all that is being done at present is only play. The fact is

* (2) "Come in, come in."

"Boris, come here," said she with a sly and significant look. "I have

recognized at once.

Jests fell flat, news was not interesting, and the animation was